About us

DPO Square is the meeting of several talents, who together support you on all your GDPR topics

Who are we ?

Contractor at heart, our partners and we are business leaders, Experts in our respective sectors - DPO, Law, IT engineering, 360 marketing strategy.

We work on any type of mission: audit, compliance support, drafting of processing registers, drafting of PIA (Private Impact Assessment) advising the internal DPO, bringing customer files into compliance, relations with your customers, the procedure for obtaining consent, rights of persons marketing strategy Crisis management We also organize training and service of outsourced DPO.


Each customer is unique. This is why each of our interventions is made according to your specific needs. Whatever the objective, we will listen to your requests and prepare a personalized plan. Do not hesitate to contact us!


Anne-Pascale Ziegler

Founder DPO Square - Certified DPO

Multi-Sector Compliance Consultant

Olivier Michel

Co-Founder of DPO Square Business Strategy Consultant

Our references

This indication is given in the strictest respect of professional secrecy.

Companies Recruitment firms (75)

Temporary work companies (parent company and subsidiaries) (75 and national)

Jewelry/Watch stores (75 and national)

Marketing development consulting agencies (75 and national)

Media agencies (75 and national)

Public housing organization


Training of internal teams Specific training according to the sector of activity Training of the internal DPO

Intervention and strategic advice

Intervention as an RGPD expert during the Digital Marketing workshop organized by the CCI Marne Conseil

Advice on competition strategy for the collection of opt-ins

Intervention in BTS classes to train them on RGPD

Intervention in higher education schools at the MBA level


A contact does not commit to anything, we are at your disposal

contact us

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